Status Update

Description: Major Incident – INC0107444 – Multiple circuit outage

Current Impact: Impacting a number of Leased Line, Broadband and Consumer circuits. Exact numbers unknown

Incident Start Time: 22/07/2022 11:57:59

Major Incident Raised: 22/07/2022 12:25:43

Major Incident Manager: Sam Abberley

Location/City: Nationwide

Update Number: 2

Completed Actions:

– Reports of circuit impact into the CityFibre TSC

– CityFibre TSC engaged CityFibre NOC for initial investigations

– CityFibre NOC confirmed an issue seen on active monitoring

– MI process engaged

– MI accepted

– Internal Bridge call scheduled

– NOC investigations ongoing with several examples of affected circuits provided from information gathering by TSC

– Further impact to Consumer circuits discovered and acknowledged

– NOC investigations determined an issue within the core network emanating from a specific location

– NOC contacted hardware supplier and raised a Priority 1 case

– All logs provided to hardware supplier for analysis

– Internal Bridge call convened

Current Action Plan:

CityFibre NOC have been investigating further and have determined that the issue is emanating from a specific location with the core network. As such, this device has been checked and the hardware supplier has been contacted directly for a Priority 1 case to be raised with them. During this time, CityFibre NOC have attempted to alleviate some issues across the core network by performing a workaround to reroute traffic to avoid the suspected affected device.

All of the requisite logs have been provided and CityFibre NOC are working alongside the hardware supplier to determine our next course of action. As of yet, it is still unclear as to when full service can be restored however we will endeavour to provide this as soon as we have it available.

We apologise for the disruption and hope to have a further update soon.

Next Update:
